Monday 23 February 2015

FTP Using Perl, File Upload Tool

Topic:  Upload a file via FTP , using Perl Object Oriented Programming  . Check the uploaded file size upon successful in remote host.

Pre-request:  Check Net::FTP package in your system, before use this ftp file upload tool.

Execute this linux command:
$perldoc -l Net::FTP

It means already installed . Other do install it from RPM, or CPAN library.

After that you can copy the files below and enjoy make use of reliable FTP File Upload Tool.

Files :

1. ftp. pm  -  <perl ftp user defined class to upload file >
#Class Name: ftp                                                                               
#Member Description:    
#        host            -> Remote server IP Addr / Host Name
#        username    -> user name of remote server
#        password    -> password of remote server
#        destpath    -> destination path on remote server
#        binary        -> either transfer in binary mode
#        timout        -> ftp time out value
#        debug            -> ftp with debug log
#        logfile        -> log file name to write ftp logs
#        filefd        -> file descriptor of log file

2.  - <upload a file to remote host using ftp class>

Copy both these files in a single directory.  Change the ftp class params in file with respect to need.

Fileame :
#Class Name: ftp
#Scope         : file upload using ftp protocol

use strict;
use warnings;

use Net::FTP;

package    ftp;

#Class Name: ftp                                                                               
#Member Description:    
#        host            -> Remote server IP Addr / Host Name
#        username    -> user name of remote server
#        password    -> password of remote server
#        destpath    -> destination path on remote server
#        binary        -> either transfer in binary mode
#        timout        -> ftp time out value
#        debug            -> ftp with debug log
#        logfile        -> log file name to write ftp logs
#        filefd        -> file descriptor of log file

#@brief: constructor
#@param in: name of the class, required memebers of class
#@return value: object of the class

sub    new
    my    $class    = shift;
    my    $self        =    {@_};

    bless($self, $class);

    $self->{filefd} = undef;

    if( defined($self->{logfile}))
            open($self->{filefd}, ">>$self->{logfile}" ) || die "couldn't open file $!";
    return    $self;

#@brief: Class Method for connect and upload the file
#                 to specified destination path at remote server
#@param in: object of class, source filaname to be upload
#@return value:
#                    size of the file uploaded - on success
#                    -ve - for failure

sub upload
    my    ($myclass, $filename) = @_;
    my    @date     = ();    
    my    $errno    = undef;
    my    $ret        = undef;

    @date = `date "+%F %H:%M:%S"`;
    printf({$myclass->{filefd}} "%s :: connecting to host [%s]\n",
                 @date, $myclass->{host}) if defined($myclass->{filefd});

    my    $ftp = Net::FTP->new($myclass->{host}, Debug => $myclass->{debug}, Timeout => $myclass->{timeout});
    if ( !defined ($ftp) )
            $errno = -101;
            printf({$myclass->{filefd}} "%s :: connect to host[%s] failed error[%d][%s]\n",
                    @date, $myclass->{host}, $errno, $!) if defined($myclass->{filefd});
          return $errno;

    @date = `date "+%F %H:%M:%S"`;
    printf({$myclass->{filefd}} "%s :: successfully connected to host [%s]\n",
                 @date, $myclass->{host}) if defined($myclass->{filefd});

    if ( $ftp->login($myclass->{username},$myclass->{password}) == 0 )
            $errno = -102;
            printf({$myclass->{filefd}} "%s :: login failed username[%s] password[%s] error[%d][%s]\n",
                @date, $myclass->{username}, $myclass->{password}, $errno, $!) if defined($myclass->{filefd});
            return $errno;
    @date = `date "+%F %H:%M:%S"`;
    printf({$myclass->{filefd}} "%s :: login success for username[%s]\n",
            @date, $myclass->{username},) if defined($myclass->{filefd});

    if ( $ftp->cwd($myclass->{destpath}) == 0 )
            $errno = -103;
            printf({$myclass->{filefd}} "%s :: couldn't change to destination directory[%s] error[%d][%s]\n",
                        @date, $myclass->{destpath}, $errno, $!) if defined($myclass->{filefd});
            return $errno;

    if ( $myclass->{binary} == 1 )
                    #$ftp->binary || die $ftp->message;

                    $ret = $ftp->binary;
                    if( !defined($ret) )
                        $errno = -104;
                        printf({$myclass->{filefd}} "%s :: setting binary mode failed to upload file[%s] error[%d][%s]\n",
                                @date, $filename, $errno, $!) if defined($myclass->{filefd});
                        return $errno;

                    @date = `date "+%F %H:%M:%S"`;
                    printf({$myclass->{filefd}} "%s :: uploading file[%s] in binary mode\n",
                            @date, $filename) if defined($myclass->{filefd});
                    @date = `date "+%F %H:%M:%S"`;
                    printf({$myclass->{filefd}} "%s :: uploading file[%s] in ascii mode\n",
                            @date,    $filename) if defined($myclass->{filefd});

    @date = `date "+%F %H:%M:%S"`;

    $ret = $ftp->put("$filename");
    if ( !defined ($ret))
            $errno = -105;           
            printf({$myclass->{filefd}} "%s :: failed to upload file[%s] error[%d][%s]\n",
                        @date, $filename, $errno, $!) if defined($myclass->{filefd});
            return $errno;

    $ret = $ftp->size($filename);

    printf({$myclass->{filefd}} "%s :: file[%s] upload success size[%d]\n",
                    @date, $filename, $ret) if defined($myclass->{filefd});

    printf({$myclass->{filefd}} "-" x 100,"\n\n")  if defined($myclass->{filefd});
    printf({$myclass->{filefd}} "\n")  if defined($myclass->{filefd});

    close($myclass->{filefd}) if defined($myclass->{filefd});

    return $ret;       


File Name:

#Scope: use ftp class & upload the file
#                 to specified destination path on remote server

use warnings;
use    strict;

use    ftp;   

my    $sourcefile = "hello.txt";

#initialize the object
my    $myobj = ftp->new(host => "", username => "root", password => "root123",
                                binary => 1, timout => 120,
                                debug => 0, logfile => "/tmp/ftp.log", destpath => "/tmp");

my $filesize = -s $sourcefile;
my $uploadlen = $myobj->upload($sourcefile);
if($filesize == $uploadlen )
    print "ftp upload file[$sourcefile] size[$uploadlen] success \n";
    print "ftp upload file[$sourcefile] size[$uploadlen] failed \n";

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